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Wool Carpets
Often copied but never beaten, wool or a wool blend like 80/20 is the carpet fibre of choice for many, despite mans best efforts.

Most of us know when it comes to carpet, wool is the top dog, so why is it? It’s normally more expensive than polyester or other manmade yarns so it must be because the price tells us?

Ok manmade fibres have come a long way over the last decade or so, most are now bleachable which wool definably isn’t. Manmade yarns don’t normally shed or shed very little. So don’t rule out a manmade fibre just because you’ve been told wool is better.

So back to wool, wool has many benefits-


  • Its eco-friendly and natural.

  • Secondly wool is self cleaning and doesn’t need secondary sealing with chemicals such as scotchqard.

  • Thirdly wool has excellent bounce back properties due to its natural crimp.

  • Fourthly wool also has excellent comfort and warming properties, have you ever seen a cold sheep!

  • Fifthly it absorbs sound.

  • By its very nature wool is fire retardant and has a slow rate of ignition, passing many safety tests. Ideal for contract and business that require fire retardant materials.

These are some of the main advantages of wool but there are many more, the best way is to feel and touch a woollen carpet sample to see how it handles better than other carpet types.

We will normally recommend wool or a woollen mix like 80/20 over any other carpet fibre unless we think a manmade carpet is more suitable for your requirements, please visit our Warrington flooring showroom for more information.


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